Lazy Overload

Pet peeves – I have lots of them.

Here is one that continues to make my hair stand on end. Capitalization. It might seem like a minor thing, but really! People! How hard is it to properly capitalize words? Apparently, it is very difficult.

Is it the insane strain on your pinky finger to hit the Shift button? Or does your brain go into overload, trying to remember what needs capitalization and what doesn’t? Whatever the case, slow the hell down and do it right!

One of my jobs at work is to process the online transactions. It blows my mind to see people write everything in lower case. Their name, their address, all of their sentences…ugh! I want to e-mail them and just ask…why??? Really! I need to understand why it has become acceptable to be this lazy. And yes, it just boils down to being lazy. Nothing more.

Monday mornings are always super busy with all of the online stuff. So, this morning was no exception. After about the third “lower case” transaction, I started to twitch. Not the way I wanted to start this day.

After eating two, yes I said TWO, blueberry muffins, I now feel like I can deal with the capitalization idiots for the rest of the day. But that’s only today. Tomorrow is another story.

Work is calling my name. Gotta pay bills. *sigh*

Peace out!

Author: morningdelight65

Happily married 26+ years to a CalFire pilot, proud Navy mom and grandma (Granny) to two beautiful grandchildren. Born in Germany, I spent the first 12 years of my life living in a rural Bavarian town, before moving to the United States in 1978. I still speak German, but my reading and writing skills have somewhat diminished over time. I have a flair for the unique, funky and quirky things in life. I don't like cookie-cutter, run-of-the-mill normal things. The more eclectic, the better. My husband (Glenn) is my "Facilitator". I dream it, he helps me make it happen. I love animals and if I had my way, we'd have a farm (not going to happen though). Therefore I am thankful for my dog and my chickens. Writing has been a secret passion of mine for many years, but I've abandoned trying to pursue it. With this blog, I hope to resurrect the desire to delve deeper into the crevices of my little braing

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