Hello…It’s Me

I’ve been asked by my BFF to “on your blog introduce yourself as you are now, upload a photo of something you love, tell me three things I should know about you.“


Well, here goes.

My name is Birdie (my BFF thinks Grumpy McGrumperson is more fitting), I’m 51 years old and my life is awesome! I’ve been married for 26+ years (to Glenn), have a son (Max), stepson (Steven), daughter-in-law (Mikayla) and two amazing grandkids (Leilani & Ronan). I work for a mission organization and have been with them for 11 ½ years. This job has allowed me some amazing travel opportunities, of which Africa was by FAR the most awesome place EVER! In February of this year, we opened my dream business. We are running a successful Airbnb vacation rental in our guest apartment below our house. We are located on 12 acres right on the Bear River. Last year, we spent 8 months renovating our guest apartment into a hobbit house theme. I’m very proud of what we accomplished! The Little Hobbit House is truly a dream-come-true.

I’m uploading a few pictures…just because I can. Of course I’m going to post a picture of my husband, since he’s the cra in my zy. Or is it the other way around? You decide. And of course, my doggy soulmate Keona. She’s been my shadow for the last 9 years. Can’t imagine life without her.

Hmmmm…three things people should know about me? That’s a bit more difficult.

  1. I love the outdoors, especially in cooler weather (I don’t do well in the heat). I find every excuse possible to be outside. Indoors is of no interest to me.
  2. My house used to be called “Birdie’s Zoo”. I’ve had some of the most bizarre animals. I’ve had mice, hermit crabs, birds (used to breed parakeets and cockatiels), dogs, chickens, a snake, and many more. I actually bred veiled chameleons once. That was WAY before the internet, so I had to do all of my research through books. Very time consuming. Animals rule! If I had my way, I’d have a few goats. Husband has already squashed that idea. According to him, goats cause cancer. LOL. What a crackhead!
  3. I secretly wish I could sing. I honestly can’t carry a tune in a bucket. At 4 years old, my son told me one day in the car “Mommy, please don’t sing. It makes my ears hurt”. Thanks pal. I needed that vote of confidence. So, for now (and always), I sing (and I use that term loosely) in the car when I’m by myself. And should my ears start to hurt, I will stop.

I suppose I’ve given you enough…for now. Happy blogging, everyone!




Author: morningdelight65

Happily married 26+ years to a CalFire pilot, proud Navy mom and grandma (Granny) to two beautiful grandchildren. Born in Germany, I spent the first 12 years of my life living in a rural Bavarian town, before moving to the United States in 1978. I still speak German, but my reading and writing skills have somewhat diminished over time. I have a flair for the unique, funky and quirky things in life. I don't like cookie-cutter, run-of-the-mill normal things. The more eclectic, the better. My husband (Glenn) is my "Facilitator". I dream it, he helps me make it happen. I love animals and if I had my way, we'd have a farm (not going to happen though). Therefore I am thankful for my dog and my chickens. Writing has been a secret passion of mine for many years, but I've abandoned trying to pursue it. With this blog, I hope to resurrect the desire to delve deeper into the crevices of my little braing

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