Not a Shred of Energy Left

Today is just one of those busy, busy days. No time to do anything, yet there are a million things to do. Writing should really be on the bottom of that list…but here I am. Amongst getting the animals taken care of, the succulents watered (which then turned into cleaning the dead stuff out of each pot, and replanting half of them), filing paperwork which has been piling up since early April, doing laundry, etc, etc…I walked past a mirror and thought I should really put on some makeup. I would sure feel better if I did. Most days I don’t care either way, but there are those days where I just want to feel prettier. So, as I walked into the office to start on my mountain of paperwork, I decided If I can’t take 10 minutes out of the day for myself, I have a serious problem. So much of our life is spent going, going, going, never doing what we want, but always what we have to. I truly wanted to put on makeup, so I did. Now when I hustle past a mirror for the rest of the day, at least I won’t look as tired as I feel. Loving yourself is highly underrated.

So, between filing and doing the laundry, I write. Then go back to filing, logging expenses, and once again I write. Just finished emptying the shredder. So…yeah…the shredder. This piece of equipment seems to be a silent battle between husband and I. But I think he’s winning the Lazy Man game on this one. We’ve gotten to the point where we just put the paperwork that needs to be shred on top of the shredder. Today, I finally decided to get rid of that pile, only to find out that it’s so full, that the paper is starting to back up into the blades. There wasn’t even any movement in the see-through window on the front. Yeah, it’s so jam packed, that it’s not even compacting anymore. But that means I have to take the lid off and risk a paper confetti explosion. FML! Now I know why husband started laying papers on top (I just followed suit). He didn’t want to be the one to empty it. I see what you did there, husband. One point for you. I go downstairs to grab a large trash bag only to get sidetracked with flip-flopping laundry. Maybe subconsciously I’m just trying to prolong the dreaded deed. So, I get the trash bag and confront my nemesis. How to get the top off, without making a mess? I had to inch it up and try to tilt entire container over the trash bag, without actually letting it fall over. That would just have resulted in a mess that would make me cry. I finally got the top off and gently placed it inside of the bag. Now I’m digging paper out of the blades…for days! Holy crap, I had no idea that much paper could be inside of the lid. When I finish that, without even cutting myself (it’s a miracle!), I dump the rest of the container in the trash. A 13 gallon trash bag is now half full, but I smile when I look at the now empty shredder. I feel accomplished. It’s a good day!

The paperwork is finally filed and I’ve logged the last expense on my spreadsheet. But it’s now already 6pm. Where has this day gone? Time to head downstairs and vegetate on the couch. I think I hear a book calling my name.

Peace out!

